Merging Masculine and Feminine Energy
ArchAngel Michael and Mastress Quan Yin
Archangel Michael Masculine energy
This process encourages you to relax and give yourself permission to be comfortable in the mental and physical body. You will open your mind, release worries and preoccupations. Michael includes.
- Opening meditation Releasing negative energy, breathing in cleansing breath.
- Focusing on light Preparation
- You are light, the true nature of your being.
- Light which has the capacity to shift and change
- Light, which is liquid in nature, fluid
- Light which encourages transformation
- Visualization
- Inner Master Teacher, masculine in nature
- Trust, support, Decisiveness and Courage
- Wisdom, knowledge, balance, power, and strength
- Compassion, benevolence, and support
- King energy
Mastress Quan Yin Feminine Energy
- Invoking feminine energy and accepting feminine energy into your being
- Masculine and Feminine Aspects
- Both Share many of the same characteristics
- Balancing Visualizing and meditation
- Beautiful female goddess
- Acceptance and non-judgement
- Fire of enthusiasm and optimism
- Wisdom
- Gentleness, caring and compassion
- Your own uniqueness
- King and Queen energy
- Integrated, Listening, Intuitive
- Creating your dreams
Both Masters Wish you divine love and harmony
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