Spirit Family Gathering 10 Webinar; “Developing our Mastery” Saturday, December 7, 2024. 9am to 12 noon New York time on Zoom

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Developing our Mastery

In this webinar we hone our skills regarding manifestation, rejuvenation and the continuation of accepting our new light bodies so we may fulfill our spiritual purposes on Earth in this human experience.

We’ll benefit from  Matreiya, Quan Yin, Serapis Bey, Askara, and the Overseer of the Angelic Realm Metatron.  To register, click here.

Channeled Descriptions from each Master

We are Maitreya and we desire to continue the process of integrating the new light body that can activate each of you in terms of this process. We will then release as many old memories, programs and beliefs as possible from your being. We will encourage the integration of that new light body all around you. Some of you have rejected this opportunity. Perhaps now you can and will take advantage of it. We wish each of you a most miraculous experience.

we are the mastress Quan Yin, and it is our desire to create a kind of acceptance to change within each of you. As your global world is changing rapidly, perhaps so is your personal world. As that personal world changes, we would encourage greater and greater flexibility for each of you. It is our desire to initiate that flexibility for each of you. If this interests you, join us and we will do all we can to assist you.

We are Serapis Bey and we have the capacity to integrate a greater and deeper energy of mastery in each of you. This is stated with no ego whatsoever and the process. We take you through will open you to the aspect of mastery you are each capable of attaining. We look forward to aiding each of you in your spiritual path of evolution. So be it.

we are Askara the Venusian, leader of the earth installations and we desire to continue your process of accelerated manifestation.  This will  encourage you to move into a space of deeper and deeper ability to manifest. It is our desire to help you increase. this capability within your own being so you may manifest more quickly, more powerfully, and more effectively. We look forward to this acceleration within each of you, which will also greatly assist the manifestation of the Divine Blueprint. We are grateful.

we are the one called Metatron, and we are honored to open the angelic realm to the finalization of energy adjustment within each of you. You may then integrate all of these  intuitive initiations. You must decide if it is your desire to move forward, to remain in the same place or to move back into the past. It is of course your choice. Each choice being appropriate depending on your sovereign right to choose. We encourage you to move forward. However, whatever choice you make is the perfect choice. So it is.

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