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An Evening  0f Radical Awakening

Saturday, August 31st,  2024.  47 Gravsgade Ribe 6760,
13:00pm to 15:00pm  (All are welcome).  Nefer Andrup,
Price; 150 DKK. Please email to sign up nefer@indigolitten.dk
or call: (45) 41 31 51 69 for more information.
Join us for a spiritual evening of Radical Awakening hosted by spiritual psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and author, Catherine Allon and  psychic trance channel and author, Rev. Dr. Gregory Ashid Possman.

Gregory channels Archangel Michael “opening the hearts of participants. Then connecting hearts and minds to create one inner voice.  Generating a morphic field of the Highest Vibrational frequency will allow participants to experience their souls’ highest intention.  Catherine will then lead the group in a meditation calming the mind to live in the present moment. The energy in the room will change to a level of maximum spiritual communication, allowing each attendee to open to their souls’ highest desire.”  – Archangel Michael