Dear Gregory,

I promised to contact you if/when something specific happened, because it would make you feel good, too! O.K. here it comes –On April 25th I had a session with you at Robby ’s house here in Copenhagen. I had wanted this session because I really wished to find out what would be the right path for me in my life and I had a feeling that you could help me. I wanted to be a writer but didn’t really believe it was possible. You suggested that I should consider writing columns. Something I had never thought about before. You gave me many practical directions and I followed all of them. At the end of the session you made me promise that I should contact you when I had my first column accepted by a newspaper, because as you said that would make you feel good too! Guess what, now it has happened. I’ve been accepted as a regular columnist at a newspaper here in Denmark! My first column was in the paper in December (750 words and a nice picture of me in color (as you suggested). WOW!! So Gregory, thanks a million for your support, I’m grateful for it. You’ve made a difference in my life and I cannot thank you enough. I have a feeling that you would say now that I have created this myself but sometimes a person needs to meet another for guidance and support. You have been that person for me. I appreciate and acknowledge the work you are doing. Life is great!